Wednesday, February 5, 2014

True love's kiss

The boy has recently developed a fascination and passion for lego which warms my heart immensely. He'll sit for hours building cars, planes, towers, diving boards, the possibilities are endless. Tonight he built a treasure chest so I supplied the treasure (an old heart shaped pendant from a garish blue necklace). It got us onto the subject of love. He told me wisely that love should be looked after which is why he'd put it in a lego chest with a secret button that only he knew the code to. I said he was right but that love should also be shared at which point I gave him an impromptu kiss and hug. After I let go and tucked him in he told me it had been a 'true love kiss'. Admittedly this was a line stolen from our fav Disney film (Frozen) but the sentiment was that I'd really meant it. At last he believed and maybe even felt that my love was real. 

The small act of building stuff out of little pieces of plastic has helped him unlock or allow himself to acknowledge and accept that genuine act of love and affection. Funny how things work out huh.

1 comment:

  1. That is just beautiful, such a precious moment for you both. My oldest has a love of Lego and at 10 plays and builds for hours on his own. We make little Lego movies together sometimes or take pictures of the amazing vehicles he builds. I'm very grateful for Lego and how it has helped my boy unlock the imagination he was so lacking in when he first came to us. I'm sure your boy will have years of wonderful adventures ahead of him with his Lego.
